
Michigan Rep. Mike Rogers hits news shows on U.S. options in Syria

  Michigan U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers has been hitting the airways over the looming crisis with Syria.
 MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' Monday morning about the upcoming House vote on whether the U.S. should take military action in Syria.

Rogers, a Howell Republican and chairman of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee. was on
  Rogers also joined a number of news shows over the weekend on the same topic.
   He appeared with Bob Schieffer on CBS's 'Face the Nation'.
  And also spoke with Detroit's local 4 'FlashPoint' on why he supports action in Syria and the effects on US national security.
  In a fourth appearance, Rogers joined Kate Bolduan on CNN's 'New Day' to talk about President Barack Obama's pitch to Congress on Syria and how America should react.
  Rogers' congressional district in Michigan represents Ingham and Livingston counties, plus virtually all of north Oakland County.

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