
Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder one of 10 Republican governors who helped implement Obamacare

   Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder is among 10 Republican governors who have helped implement the politically volatile Obamacare, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, says Ryan Teague Beckwith at Digital First Media.
  Snyder supported an expansion of Medicaid in Michigan, a main point in Obamacare, a position that didn't endear the governor to ultra-conservatives and tea party Republicans. Legislation to allow for the expansion next year is on the way to the governor's desk for his signature after a contentious summer over it.  A poll of Republicans released Monday indicates most Republicans are not happy with Snyder about the Medicaid expansion, and that he may be vulnerable in a Republican primary next year.
  Here's the outcome of the iCaucus poll:
  A new survey of Michigan Republicans indicates the majority approve of the job that first-term Gov. Rick Snyder has done.
  But the same survey indicates the GOP believes Snyder is vulnerable to a challenge in next year's Republican primary as he prepares to seek a second term.
  The nonprofit Cheyenne, Wyo., group iCaucus surveyed 744 republican convention delegates and alternates Aug. 26-30.
  The survey released Monday found nearly 56 percent approve of Snyder's first term in office, but that 48 percent believe Snyder's agenda and record leaves him vulnerable to a GOP challenger next year compared to 38 percent who don't believe he's vulnerable.
  The governor got high marks from Republicans for signing right-to-work legislation last December, a move that tanked his approval ratings in statewide polls, at least temporarily.
  Snyder also was viewed favorably for separating education reforms, road funding and Medicaid expansion from the state budget, advocating for teacher tenure reform, blocking unionization of graduate students, and halting union dues by home health care workers.
  But 70 percent disagreed with the governor's veto of legislation to expand concealed-carry weapons permits, to strengthen voter identification policies, and provide greater legislative oversight of executive memorandums.
  Nearly 80 percent disagreed with Snyder openly criticizing Republican state senators in late June for adjourning for the summer without voting on Medicaid reform, 58 percent opposed Snyder signing an executive agreement with Ontario, Canada, for a second international bridge crossing, and more than 75 percent disagreed with Snyder's veto of legislation that would have made insurance coverage for abortions optional.
  In a hypothetical primary race, the survey found that Snyder would lose to former state representative and current Republican National Committeeman Dave Agema 42-32 percent, and that the governor would lose to Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette 38-32 percent.
  The survey, says iCaucus, was prompted by unconfirmed rumors that big-dollar donors want Snyder replaced, and that a recent recommendation by the state GOP policy committee to change convention rules would favor incumbents.

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