A recount Monday of a tax increase for police protection in Oxford Township that failed by two votes in the Nov. 2 election didn’t change the outcome.
List of applicants for Oakland County clerk
The dozen people who want to be the next Oakland County clerk include a former circuit court judge, the county commission chairman and a former county commissioner who has sought office as a Republican, Democrat and independent.
OU panel assesses Nov 2. election results
Pundits and pollsters assessed the Nov. 2 election Thursday, Nov. 18, at Oakland University.
Recount of Oxford Township ballot question scheduled for Nov. 29
An Oxford Township resident has asked for a recount of a ballot question seeking a tax increase for public safety that failed in the Nov. 2 election by two votes.
Pollsters, academics, journalists dissect Nov. 2 election
Journalists, academics and pollsters gather at Oakland University Thursday for a "debriefing" of the Nov. 2 election called Campaign Roundup 2010.
Election results complete; Recount window opens
The six-day window for filing for a recount of results from the Nov. 2 election is now open.
Tentative recounts could slow December tax bills
The Oakland County Elections Division has tentatively set aside Nov. 29 and Nov. 30 to recount ballot questions in Royal Oak and Oxford townships.
Judges set process for picking new Oakland County clerk
Oakland County Circuit Court judges settled on a process Tuesday to pick a new county clerk to replace Ruth Johnson, who was elected by voters in the Nov. 2 election as Michigan Secretary of State.
Michigan Senate Republicans select new leadership
Michigan Senate Republicans, in their caucus Tuesday, selected the new leadership. Republicans hold a 26-12 majority in the Senate:
Rick Snyder: Michigan's purple state governor?
On the elections maps following Tuesday’s election, the country was divided into red and blue.
Red states were those where Republicans prevailed and blue states were those where Democrats prevailed.
With Republican Rick Snyder’s election as Michigan’s next governor, and Republicans taking control of the state House and Senate, Michigan falls into the red state category.
But there are signs that Snyder, the 52-year-old Ann Arbor venture capitalist and former chief executive officer of Gateway computers, is taking a purple look at things — a blending of red and blue — as he prepares to take office in January.
Red states were those where Republicans prevailed and blue states were those where Democrats prevailed.
With Republican Rick Snyder’s election as Michigan’s next governor, and Republicans taking control of the state House and Senate, Michigan falls into the red state category.
But there are signs that Snyder, the 52-year-old Ann Arbor venture capitalist and former chief executive officer of Gateway computers, is taking a purple look at things — a blending of red and blue — as he prepares to take office in January.
Oakland County and Michigan plan for election transitions
Oakland County circuit judges are expected to meet early next week to decide on a process for picking a new county clerk while Oakland County Clerk Ruth Johnson plans to transition to her new job as Michigan Secretary of State.
Recounts could begin before Thanksgiving
Candidates or supporters of ballot proposals who were in close races Tuesday are waiting until election results are certified as official before deciding whether to ask for recounts.
Two Democrats survive Tuesday's GOP juggernaut in Oakland County
Tuesday's voting gave Republicans control of the governor's office, legislature and supreme court heading into redistricting next year.
Locally, Republicans also expanded their control on the Oakland County commission.
But voting didn't entirely go the Republicans' way in the partisan portion of the ballot.
Locally, Republicans also expanded their control on the Oakland County commission.
But voting didn't entirely go the Republicans' way in the partisan portion of the ballot.
Don't miss livestream coverage of election results from 9 p.m. to midnight at www.theoaklandpress.com
The polls opened at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. today. Don't miss livestream coverage of Michigan and Oakland County's election results from 9 p.m. to midnight at http://www.theoaklandpress.com/.