
Recounts could begin before Thanksgiving

  Candidates or supporters of ballot proposals who were in close races Tuesday are waiting until election results are certified as official before deciding whether to ask for recounts.

  There are three outcomes in Tuesday's election that could be recounted.
  One is a state House race and two are ballot proposals that were narrowly defeated.
  “I'm just waiting for the county to certify,” said Republican Lois Shulman, who fell short in her bid to unseat incumbent Lisa Brown, D-West Bloomfield. “Once that happens, I'll make a decision.”
  Shulman lost by 87 votes to Brown in Tuesday's election in the House district representing Wolverine Lake and Commerce and West Bloomfield townships.
  Even closer were the results of ballot questions in Oxford Township and in Royal Oak Township.
  Oxford voters approved a tax renewal for police protection but rejected an additional tax by just two votes.
  In Royal Oak Township, voters there rejected a 4.5-mill property tax increase for general operating purposes by three votes.
  Oakland County Director of Elections Joe Rozell said canvassing the results will likely take a full two weeks.
  “Once that is finished and we have certified results, people have six days to file a recount request with our office and then we would schedule that,” Rozell said.
  Any resident can ask for a recount by filing a petition and a $10 fee per precinct to be recounted.
  Counties have until Nov. 16 to certify results as official. The Board of State Canvassers meets Nov. 22 to certify results statewide.

Contact Charles Crumm at 248-745-4649, or follow him on Twitter @crummc.

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