
List of applicants for Oakland County clerk

  The dozen people who want to be the next Oakland County clerk include a former circuit court judge, the county commission chairman and a former county commissioner who has sought office as a Republican, Democrat and independent.

  The list of applicants to replace Clerk Ruth Johnson, who was elected Michigan Secretary of State Nov. 2, was released Tuesday morning by the Oakland County Circuit Court’s administrative office.
  Now it's up to the Oakland County circuit judges to pick one after reviewing the candidates' applications and submitted material.
  "All the judges will have access to the information sent by the candidates," circuit court Administrator Kevin Oeffner said Tuesday. "Judge (Nanci) Grant said they'll try to make the decision no later than mid-December."
  The circuit bench holds its final judge's meeting of the year Dec. 7, but Oeffner said it's conceivable they could hold a special meeting if they don't pick a new county clerk at that meeting.
  On the list of applicants for the $138,999 per year position are the current county commission Chairman Bill Bullard, R-Highland, former circuit Judge Fred Mester of Bloomfield Hills and former Commissioner Will Molnar, who ran as an independent for county commissioner in the most recent election. Molnar is a CPA from Troy.
  There is at least one experienced clerk applying, Bloomfield Township Clerk Janet Roncelli.
Also applying are judicial staff attorney Karen Geibel of Addison Township and attorney Michelle Komorn of Bloomfield Hills.
  The applicants include Brenda Savage, Executive Director of Senior Living Residence of Rochester Hills, Robert Seffinger, a senior litigation paralegal from Walled Lake, and Vivian Snitgen, a U.S. postal worker from Ferndale.
  The remaining applicants are Cynthia Thompson, a video production supervisor and election inspector from Birmingham, Marilyn Youngquist, a senior home pharmacy technician and activities assistant from Oxford, and Carol Ebner, a comptroller and CPA from Lake Orion.
  Johnson takes over her new office Jan. 1 and circuit court Chief Judge Nanci Grant has said the goal is to have a replacement selected by mid-December.
  Whoever is selected by the circuit court bench will serve the remainder of Johnson’s four-year term.
Johnson was elected to a second four-year term as clerk in 2008. The county clerk oversees elections, and maintains court records and property records.
Contact Charles Crumm at 248-745-4649, or follow him on Twitter @crummc and on Facebook.

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