
In Michigan, being in the top 10 isn't always a good thing

  Except for the FBI's 10 Most Wanted list, being in the top 10 is usually a good thing. But not when you're singled out as among the 10 most vulnerable politicians in an election.

  The political site Roll Call has released a list of the 10 members of Congress who it considers to be most vulnerable in the 2014 elections.
  Among them are two of the nine Michigan Republicans in Congress — Rep. Dan Benishek, who represents all the Upper Peninsula and the top of the northern Lower Peninsula, and first-term Rep. Kerry Bentivolio from Milford.
  That may be little relief for the other seven Michigan Republicans and five Democrats in Congress.
  U.S. News & World Report cites a George Washington University poll indicating 60 percent want someone new and only 26 percent would vote for an incumbent.
  The source of the dissatisfaction is the perpetual stalemates in Washington, the poll indicates.

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