
Voters may punish members of Congress who supported shutdown

U.S. Rep. Gary Peters
  The 16 days of a partial government shutdown has done nothing for the popularity of Congress.
  But individual members who opposed the shutdown are getting a boost in some political polls, while those who supported it aren't.
  A poll released Wednesday as Congress teetered on the edge of ending the shutdown showed U.S. Rep. Gary Peters, a Bloomfield Township Democrat, ahead of Republican Terri Lynn Land in the race for U.S. Senate next year.

  The poll of 642 registered voters in Michigan was taken by North Carolina-based Public Policy Polling on behalf of the liberal group American United for Change Oct. 14-15.
Terri Lynn Land
  It showed Peters with a 43-36 percent lead over Land, but that expanded to 50-36 percent when voters were told that Peters opposed the shutdown.
  Polling was also conducted in Iowa, Louisiana, Georgia, Arkansas and North Carolina — all states with active Senate races next year.
  Overall, voters polled were opposed to the shutdown 65-27 percent.
  according to a different poll released Wednesday.

Collectively, the approval rating of Congress is at 7 percent,

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