
Schauer holds early lead over Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder

  Democrat Mark Schauer holds a four-point lead over Republican Gov. Rick Snyder in the first poll taken since Schauer announced he would be Snyder's opponent in 2014.

  Schauer holds a 42-38 percent lead over Snyder based on the automated telephone survey by Public Policy Polling of 697 Michigan voters taken between May 30 and June 2. The poll claims a margin of error of plus or minus 3.7 percent.
  The poll notes that Schauer leads even though his name recognition across the state is at 38 percent,   indicating voters may be more upset at Snyder. Snyder's disapproval rating was 52 percent compared to a 40 percent approval rating.
  But 20 percent identified themselves as undecided, meaning the governor can improve his ratings in the 18 months leading up to the election.
  Snyder's approval/disapproval ratings mirror those ratings in the poll who identified themselves as independent voters. Snyder scores well among Republicans at 68 percent and negatively among Democrats at 78 percent.
  Snyder, first elected in 2010 after a "one tough nerd" campaign, saw his poll number drop after right-to-work legislation was hustled through the Michigan Legislature, controlled by Republicans, in December and signed by the governor.
  The poll says 50 percent disapprove of right-to-work while 40 percent approve of it.
  The poll also says that neither Republicans or Democrats in the Michigan Legislature are particularly popular among voters, but that Republicans are less popular.
  Schauer, a 51-year-old Democrat from Battle Creek, is a former state lawmaker and one-term congressman.

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