
Can Michigan Republicans lose the state Senate in 2014? Some say it's possible

  Can Michigan Republicans lose control of the state Senate in 2014? Some conservatives think it's a growing possibility.

  Jack Hoogendyk, a conservative and former state lawmaker, speculates that passage of House Bill 4111 may come back to haunt Republicans in the next election.
  HB4111 is the legislation that allows the state to accept $30.6 million in federal money to set up a health care exchange that's required under the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, and bitterly opposed by tea party groups and conservative Republicans.
  The House has already passed it and it's pending in the Senate.
  Hoogendyk asks the question, "Is the Michigan Senate prepared to lose majority in 'exchange' for Obamacare?"
  Republicans currently control both the House and Senate, and the governor's office.
  In the Senate, they hold a hefty 26-12 majority, and it would take quite a backlash over establishing a health exchange to tip the balance to Democrats.
  But it's possible.
  Conservative Ron Dwyer, who is the executive board of the 9th Congressional District Republicans, says there's a lot of reasons why Republicans may not be very popular in the 2014 election besides the votes on the health care exchange.
  In a posting on Facebook, Dwyer ticks off tax increase proposals for roads, hunting and fishing licenses, and the loss of popular state tax credits and deductions, many geared towards low income residents, seniors and students, as some of the reasons.
  But he also lists all the Republicans in the state House who voted to accept the money for the health care exchange, many of them from Oakland County districts.
  "We all need to review our state representatives' voting records more closely and call them out when they do not live up to Republican principles of smaller government, less regulation and lower taxes!" Dwyer writes. "If they can not adhere to Republican principles, they must voted out of office!"
  2014 could indeed be a tough year for the GOP in Michigan.

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