
Michigan vote on health exchange irks conservatives

  Republicans who control the Michigan Legislature are saying they have to reluctantly accept a grant to set up a health exchange required by Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act, even though they oppose it.
  But conservatives are warning them that their votes to accept the nearly $31 million grant will be "scored" for future use against them in the next election in 2014.

  "There are thousands of grass roots activists who are ready to go to work to elect or UN-elect lawmakers in the primary of 2014, based on their loyalty to conservative principles," said Jack Hoogendyk, a former state lawmaker.
  House Bill 4111 puts Republican lawmakers in the position of being accused of supporting Obamacare, even though voting to refuse the grant wouldn't have any real affect.
  Michigan either has to cooperate and set up an exchange in partnership with the federal government, or the state will be forced to participate in a federal exchange.
  The state House passed the bill 78-31, indicating a good many Republicans could face conservatives' ire. There are 59 Republicans in the House, and at least some voted to accept to money for the exchange.

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