
Michigan Democratic Party Chairman Mark Brewer accused of being behind fake tea party in 2010

  Michigan Democratic Party Chairman Mark Brewer is catching it from all sides these days.
  In a sure sign that Brewer may have trouble gaining a 10th two-year term when Democrats pick new leadership later this month, one only has to read the website Michigan Liberal, or the assessment of unabashed liberal columnist Jack Lessenberry.
  Also, the right-wing conservative websites Right Michigan, Michigan Report and Michigan's Biggest Liar pounced all over a post on Michigan Liberal Friday by former Oakland County Democratic Party Chairman Mike McGuinness, who said Brewer was behind a scheme in 2010 to siphon off votes from Republicans by fielding a fake Tea Party group on the ballot.
  Wrote McGuinness:

  "The current chair of the Michigan Democratic Party cultivated the fake Tea Party political party to draw votes from Republicans in 2010. It is bizarre to me that few Democrats seemed to care much (let alone challenge him on whether he was involved or not).  He not only had the audacity to stand for re-election the next year, but had the strange fortune of being re-elected. Apparently a repeat may occur yet again. Wild."
  "I'm not interested in relitigating the past, but I got six felonies and he got another term as chair," McGuinness wrote, noting that he's no longer a voting member of the Democratic Party.
McGuinness and a former county political director were convicted of charges related to election fraud after a grand jury investigation requested by Oakland County officeholders.
  At the time, Democrats were satisfied with the sentence they receive and Republicans said it was too lenient.
  The fake tea party group didn't appear on the 2010 ballot.
  As to Brewer, he's in a precarious position anyway.
  Lessenberry notes many Democrats aren't happy with the right-to-work legislation that blew through the Legislature in December after voters rejected a ballot proposal to enshrine collective bargaining in the Michigan Constitution in November.
  Republicans aren't a fan of Brewer who, to be fair, has had some success throwing a monkey wrench into Republican party politics.
  Notably, Brewer is partly responsible for ads showing Supreme Court Judge Cliff Taylor sleeping on the bench paved the way for the 2008 election of Diane Hathaway, a Democratic Party nominee, to the bench, although Hathaway resigned in January due to federal mortgage fraud charges.
  Would Republicans like to see Brewer go? You betcha.
  Enough so that Republican Party Chairman Bobby Schostak held his own teleconference Friday to talk about the post by McGuinness.
  Stay tuned.

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