
Voters catch a break in 2013 after a hectic 2012 election year

  Oakland County voters get a break in 2013 after a 2012 election year packed with the contested Republican presidential primary, the presidential race itself and a November ballot jammed with everything from the presidential race to constable in one community.
  Along the way, they endured an unexpected congressional vacancy in western Oakland County and an intra-party fight to fill the seat in a saga that included criminal prosecutions and special elections.
  By comparison, 2013 promises to be a snoozer of an election year.

Michigan has four consolidated election dates — Feb. 26, May 7, Aug. 6 and Nov. 5.
  There's nothing on the ballot anywhere in Oakland County's communities and school districts until May. There are no U.S. Senate seats, state House or Senate seats up or any countywide or statewide offices up this year.
  After the insanity of 2012, everyone could use a break.

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