
In Washington and Michigan, guns and debt top the agenda

  The U.S. House is tackling legislation to let the federal government borrow enough to pay three months’ worth of bills to avoid a U.S. default on its debt and the ripples it would send through the economy.
  But one local Republican thinks Congress should let the government default:

  The legislation before the U.S. House also includes a provision to withhold the pay for House or Senate members if they fail to pass a budget. The Senate hasn't acted on a budget since 2009.
  In Lansing, the Republican-led Michigan Senate Judiciary Committee was considering three gun-related bills.
  Gun purchases and licensing information would become confidential under one Senate bill to be taken up today. It's a response to a New York newspaper that published the names and addresses of local gun owners.
  A second bill would exempt Michigan-made guns and ammunition from federal regulations. And a third bill would make state law consistent with federal law as to who can sell firearms.
  In Oakland County, county commissioners tonight are expected to see a nonbinding resolution to urge the state to share information with the federal government each time a person buys a handgun or long gun. And they want to form a study group to find ways to keep weapons out of the hands of people deemed to be prone to violence.
  In Oakland County, Mich., the county government is holding training sessions to teach teachers how to handle the threat of an active shooter in their schools.

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