
Races to watch: Competition fierce for township offices

  Around Oakland County's townships, competition is fierce for some local offices.

  Blame the struggling economy, or even cutbacks in local government, for the increased interest in local offices, but there are some hot contests in Brandon, Highland, Independence and West Bloomfield townships.
  In Brandon Township, three Republicans want to be the supervisor,  four want to be the clerk, two want to be treasurer and seven want to be township trustees in the Republican-leaning area. The winners move on to the November ballot and certain election to the posts.
  In Highland Township, it's much the same story. Five Republicans and two Democrats want to become the next supervisor in an open seat, two Republicans want to be clerk, two Republicans want to be treasurer and 10 want spots on the township board.
  In Independence Township, four Republicans want to be the next township supervisor in an open seat, two want to be clerk, three want to be treasurer and eight Republicans and three Democrats want seats on the township board.
  In West Bloomfield, three Democrats and one Republican want to be supervisor, two Democrats want to be clerk, two Democrats want to be treasurer, and two Republicans and eight Democrats want township board seats.
  And let's not forget Waterford, where there are contested primaries for supervisor and the township board.
  Look for an interesting election night in these communities.
  Next up: The Oakland County Board of Commissioners.

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