
Would you buy a used car from Romney or Santorum?

  With the national dogfight over the Republican presidential nomination, everyone seems to have their own idea of an ideal polling question.
  The latest comes from the online advertising site craigslist, which commissioned a poll of 2,007 adults and 662 Republicans prior to the March 6 Super Tuesday 10-state primaries asking the question, "Would you buy a used car from these men?"

  The question was asked in the 1960s election between Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy on a poster of Nixon, the poll notes.
  The poll by IBOPE Zogby, complete prior to Super Tuesday, found the following:
  • 62 percent of Republicans would buy from former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum compared to 49 percent for Mitt Romney. But among Democrats, 15 percent would buy from Romney compared to 12 percent for Santorum.
  • Among all adults, 36 percent would buy from Santorum while 29 percent said Romney, indicating the majority of adults wouldn't buy from either one. Independent voters picked Santorum over Romney 37-27 percent.
  The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 2.2 percent and was taking in the Super Tuesday states of Alaska, Georgia, Idaho, Massachusetts, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Vermont and Virginia.

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