
POLL: Snyder gains ground in Michigan; GOP lawmakers trail Democrats

Republican Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder is seeing his approval ratings rise, according to Democratic polling firm Public Policy Polling of North Carolina.

A poll released Friday notes that Snyder's approval rating have risen to 40 percent compared to 47 percent who disapprove. That's up from 33 percent and 38 percent from the two previous polls, the polling company said.

Among independent voters, Snyder has a 42-41 percent approval/disapproval rating, and the poll pointed out that he has gained ground with Democrats from 10 percent who approve to 16 percent.

The poll also pointed out that there's little support to recall the first-term governor, who just completed his first year in office. Only 36 percent of voters support a recall while 55 percent are opposed.

Asked whether voters prefer Snyder or his predecessor, Democrat Jennifer Granholm, the voters broke for Snyder 42 percent to 41 percent.

Michigan lawmakers fare poorly among both parties. Only 20 percent of voters approve of Republicans, and just 14 percent of independents. Democrats had a 36 percent approval rating.

In Michigan, Republican control both the House and the Senate. The poll notes that voters would be inclined to pick Democrats over Republicans, 48-34 percent, in the November election.

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