
Is U.S. Rep. Thaddeus McCotter running for president? It sure looks that way

  U.S. Rep. Thaddeus McCotter, R-Livonia, who is weighing a run for president in 2012, announced Tuesday he would meet in Plymouth at 3 p.m. to offer greetings on Republican Mitt Romney's visit to Michigan.

  McCotter, who represents much of west Oakland County, said Romney is actually President Barack Obama's running mate in 2012.
  "Motor City Hospitality dictates a Michigan message to Mitt that our struggling families, entrepreneurs and workers think Mr. Romney and Mr. Obama are not rivals, they're running mates," said McCotter.
  McCotter took aim at Romney's remarks in a 2008 op-ed piece titled "Let Detroit go Bankrupt."
  McCotter, if he enters the race, would join a large field of Republican presidential candidates who have already announced or are considering it.

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