
Hoekstra opts out of U.S. Senate race

  Former Republican U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra has decided against running U.S. Senate in 2012 against Democratic incumbent Sen. Debbie Stabenow.

  Hoekstra made his announcement late last week.
  "This was an extremely difficult decision for us to make as we saw strong points both for and against running," Hoekstra said in an email. "However, in our final analysis, we agreed that it was not in the best interest of our family at this time to enter the race.
  "With the continued economic uncertainty, frustrating high unemployment, and staggering deficits resulting from the economic policies of President Obama and Sen. Stabenow, America needs a new direction. Additionally, the president's and senator's incoherent foreign policy throughout the Middle East and in the War on Terror continues to put our nation at great risk. It is time for change.
  "We are excited by the agenda of fiscal restraint and economic freedom that is gaining a foothold in Washington and recognize that it needs to be broadened and extended in 2012. Electing a new senator from Michigan is a key component of that agenda.
  "While we have decided as a family to not enter this race, we are confident that the Republican candidate for Senate can win in November 2012," Hoekstra said.
  Hoekstra gave up his seat in the U.S. House to enter the Republican primary for governor. He was among four challengers to lost to Rick Snyder in last August's GOP primary. Snyder easily won election as governor in November.
  Stabenow is seeking her third six-year term in the U.S. Senate.

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