
Michigan governor's race debate: Snyder vs. Bernero, who won?

  In Sunday's gubernatorial debate between Republican Rick Snyder and Democrat Virg Bernero, Bernero accused Snyder, an Ann Arbor venture capitalist of helping fund and found a high-tech company that opened a facility in China in July, and helping Chinese companies compete against U.S. and Michigan businesses.
 Snyder responded with a release accusing Bernero of "more lies" and a statement from the company CEO of Discera, Bruce Diamond that said:
  "Discera recently opened a Sales and Applications office in Shenzhen, China. The office, approximately 300 square feet in size, is used by our three sales on one field applications engineer and administrative assistant....The purpose of the office is to help grow our company through the evaluation of customer products and determining the best way to add our product into their end products.
  "The office represents pure growth for the company. At no point, now or in the future, do I believe this eliminates any jobs here in the U.S., nor did we 'ship' any jobs out of the U.S. to open this office. In fact, it is the opposite: the increased sales will eventually create more R&D jobs here in the U.S. (both Michigan and California)."
  Jobs have been a major issue of the governor's race in Michigan, where unemployment remains in double digits.
  Snyder, 51, has been leading Bernero, 46, the Lansing mayor, in recent polls.
  Who do you think won Sunday's debate, the only formal debate scheduled between the two candidates?

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