
GOP convention is not quite underway

  EAST LANSNG - Michigan Republicans opened their state convention in East Lansing Saturday morning where they will pick their nominees for attorney general, secretary of state, state supreme court and the governing boards for Michigan State, Wayne State, the University of Michigan and the state Board of Education.

  Shortly before 10 a.m., it was announced the convention at the Breslin Center would start late because the majority of the delegates were still outside in line waiting to get in.
  The rules committee will still finalizing rules for nominations, said delegate Richard B. Poling, who called the nominations for attorney general and secretary of state a "horse race."
  The nominating race for attorney general was between term-limited state Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop of Rochester and former congressman and judge Bill Schuette.
  A pre-convention  meeting of tea party delegates in Holt Friday evening gave the nod to Bishop by 8 votes in a straw poll, Polling said.
  Seeking the nomination for secretary of state is Oakland County Clerk Ruth Johnson, state Sen. Michelle  McManus, state Sen. Cameron Brown, Anne Norlander and state Rep. Paul Scott.
 Polling is a delegate from the 11th congressional district from the South Lyon area.
  Meanwhile, Democrats in Detoit were kicking off their own state convention at the Cobo Center.

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