It's pretty clear that even Democrats think Mitt Romney will be the Republican presidential nominee, even if Romney hasn't quite hit the magic number of 1,144 delegates to secure the GOP nomination.
Oakland County voters to pick major party candidates and vote on tax questions on Aug. 7 ballot
But there are also nonpartisan judicial primaries and a slew of tax questions in communities across the county.
Michigan Republicans hold state convention in Detroit Saturday
Michigan Republicans gather at Cobo Center in Detroit tonight and Saturday to elect their national convention delegates, who in turn will formally vote for a presidential nominee at the GOP national convention in Tampa Bay in August.
4 p.m. is the filing deadline for the Aug. 7 and Nov. 6 general elections
Many people interested in seeking non-judicial offices this year have already filed ahead of today's 4 p.m. filing deadline, but many are expected to file at the last minute.
Including judicial races, ballot questions and precinct delegates, the ballot for the Aug. 7 primary in Oakland County promises to be huge, and November's ballot potentially even larger.
Including judicial races, ballot questions and precinct delegates, the ballot for the Aug. 7 primary in Oakland County promises to be huge, and November's ballot potentially even larger.
Trouble for ballot questions this year?
The tiny election in Oakland County communities Tuesday was mostly ballot proposals, and the results indicate tax questions might have a tough time passing later this year in some communities in the larger elections.